Monday, August 10, 2009

Speak To mE in English oR ƒi£iPinO a£ways w/ kIndnEsS

English and Filipino language is very important because it is one of the key of being success of one nation. English language is also known as the international language in the whole wide world.English and Filipino language is the key to the people so they can understand one another. The success of every people in one country depends on speaking one language. Speaking English with kindness is to show respect to any one.Speak well, be better, and surely you will succeed in your life, ambition and dream in life.


  1. ....nice combination of colors kabagis...hehehe

  2. ...does that mean that if you speak english and filipino you will be successful in life??
    ...don't you need determination, hardwork and patience??

  3. () ()
    (> <)

    Nice bloG!!!

    vERy cOLoRFuL!!!!!!!!!

    KEEp it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
